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“Het gaat niet alleen om de bestemming maar ook over de reis”
Mijn doel als Jongerencoach is te ontdekken hoe ik jou met je specifieke hulpvraag weer op weg kan helpen.
Hoe kan je je zelfvertrouwen (terug) vinden en je eigen inzichten gebruiken om tot actie te komen?
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Engels bijles
Als je Engels bijles nodig hebt dan kan ik je daar als docent Engels in begeleiden.
Met jaren ervaring voor de klas help ik je om je inzicht te geven in de stof die je lastig vindt.
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Pedagogische begeleiding
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Mijn Kwaliteiten
Business Apps
We develop and deliver cost-effective business applications and operational software
Data Migration
We’ll create a safe information environment for data migration based on your current system
CRM Systems
Improve your customer engagement with a bespoke, secure and dedicated CRM system
Startup Software
We help startups and ventures with the most challenging tech aspect of starting a project
White Label
We can help you build white label software solutions that you can license to your own clients
Our software consultants help define technology barriers to improve business tech aspects
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Learn more about our services and experience through the questions of people like you.
I’m happy with the result! We managed to run a startup app for connecting businesses with medical experts in order to streamline their communication.
Modern IT skills, the best-in-class designers and overall great people to deal with! We recommend it to every startup. We look up to these experts!